Adding Content Using Content Widgets
Content widgets are the main tools of the Sitefinity CMS. They are what
control the content shown on a page.
After you create a page and go into editing mode, you will be in the Content view by default.
You will see a single large area to the left of the ad space labeled “Column 1,” inviting you to “Drag
widgets here.”
You can drag a Content block or any other widget into the space.

Make sure you are dropping widgets into "Column 1" only.
The area will have a light-yellow fill and say, “Drop here” when you’re in Column 1.
This is what you will see when dropping a Content block into the correct
A lot of the time, you might only need a few Content blocks on a page.
For example, this President’s Message page consists of just one Content
block for the whole page:
If you like to keep things separated, you can put the page title in its
own Content block, and separate different information into their own blocks.
Check out this Industry Certifications page as an example. An MPI Button
widget was also used as a quick link to submit CE hours:
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