1. Click the Create a post link under the name of the blog where you want to add a post.
2. The Create a post page opens.
3. In the Title input field, enter
the title of the post.
4. In the text editor,
enter the body of the post.
5. In the Summary field, you can
enter a summary for the post.
6. You can classify
your blog post using the Categories and tags section.
7. In the More options section, you’ll have following options:
Under Related Data, choose the author for the blog post
by clicking the Select button.
If you have not created any authors, you can create a new one in this menu.
To create a new author:
Here you can enter the author’s LinkedIn URL.
Full Name
Enter the author’s name
Enter a bio for the author if you’d like.
Company, Facebook URL, Twitter URL, and Email
address are all optional.
Under Related Media you
will need to choose or upload an image for the author.
Under Related Media, you’ll need to select or upload an
image to go with the blog post.
Only one blog image is required. If you only upload one image, that image will be used for all social media platforms.
If the post is ready to go public, click Publish.
If you would like
to preview the post, click Save as Draft and
the Preview button will appear to the left.
You can also save
the post as a draft, set a publish date, or drop it altogether by
clicking Back to Posts.