Creating a New Event

Creating a New Event

1.      From the main menu, choose Content » Events.


You are now in the Events section of the admin area.

You will see all events from all chapters, as well as MPI Global events. You do not need to sort in order to create a new event.

2.      Click Create an event. 

The Create an event page opens.

3.      In the Title input field, give the event a name.

4.      In the text editor, enter information about the event. You can add images and format the text any way you need to.

5.      To enter a shorter summary of the event, click on Click to add summary

6.      Select if the event will repeat. The default is None
If the event does not repeat, you don’t need to change anything here.


Schedule the starting and the ending date and time of the event using the Event start and Event end fields. 


In the Repeat event dropdown box, choose one of the following: 


·         Choose the Start time and the End time of the event, or click the All Day checkbox.


·         The Time Zone will default to your local time zone, but you can change that here if needed.

You will not see the Time Zone option if you checked All Day.


·         Under Repeat…, select the interval of repetition.

For example, “Every [ 2 ] day(s)” will be repeat the event every other day.

You can also select to repeat the event every weekday.


Under “Event start,” select the date of the first occurrence of the event.


Under Event end…,you can choose to end the event after:

·         A certain number of repeats.

·         On a particular date.

·         Selecting no end date will repeat the event indefinitely.


·         Choose the Start time and the End time of the event, or click the All Day checkbox.


·         The Time Zone will default to your local time zone, but you can change that here if needed.

You will not see the Time Zone option if you checked All Day.


·         Under Repeat…, select the interval of repetition.

For example, “Every [ 2 ] week(s) on” will repeat the event every other week.


·         Select the weekdays when the event will occur.


·         Under Event start, select the date of the first occurrence of the event.


Under Event end, you can choose to end the event after:

·         A certain number of repeats.

·         On a particular date.

·         Selecting “no end date” will repeat the event indefinitely.


·         Choose the Start time and the End time of the event, or click the All Day checkbox.


·         The Time Zone will default to your local time zone, but you can change that here if needed.

You will not see the Time Zone option if you checked All Day.


·         Under Repeat, you can choose the repeat interval in one of two ways:


·         Enter the day of the month when the event will occur and enter the interval of repetition.

For example, “Day [ 5 ] of every [ 2 ] month(s),” will make the event occur on the 5th day of every other month.

·         Alternatively, you can select the week of the month that the event will occur, then select either a weekday or select between dayweekday, and weekend day. Enter the interval of repetition.

For example, you can select the third Monday of every second month.


Under Event end…,you can choose to end the event after:

·         A certain number of repeats.

·         On a particular date.

·         Selecting “no end date” will repeat the event indefinitely.










·         Choose the Start time and the End time of the event, or click the All Day checkbox.


·         The Time Zone will default to your local time zone, but you can change that here if needed.

You will not see the Time Zone option if you checked All Day.


·         Under Repeat…, you can choose the repeat interval in one of two ways:

·         Select the month and the day. 
The event will occur annually on this date.

·         Alternatively, you can select the week of the month that the event will occur, then select either a weekday or select between dayweekday, and weekend day, then Select the month.

For example, you can choose the first Sunday of April.


Under Event end…,you can choose to end the event after:

·         A certain number of repeats.

·         On a particular date.

·         Selecting “no end date” will repeat the event indefinitely.


7.     Add your chapter's name as the category.
      This is required. If you forget the category, the system will prompt you to add it.

      Expand the Categories and tags section and chose your Chapter name as a category. 

      Click on the link that says "ClickToAddCategories"


      The category will already exist, and is located under the parent category, "Chapter"


      Click on your chapter's name to select it, then click "Done."

If you need to create additional event categories, you can create a new category here, but it must be created under your existing chapter category.

      For example, the only category the Georgia chapter would need to have on their events is Chapter > Georgia

            If you need to create additional categories, they must be created under the parent categories of Chapter > Georgia

                  To add a new category, click the "Change" button, then "Create a category."
                  The Create a Category window will appear.
                  In the Category field, enter the name of your category.

                  Next, click the "Select a parent..." radio button, and then select the parent category, "Chapter > [Your Chapter Name]"


                    Click "Create this category" and the category will be created and added to the event.


8.      The Calendar dropdown menu will default to MPI Global Calendar.  This is the only option to choose from and cannot be changed. 

9.      A location is not required, but it is a good idea to fill in as much information as you can.
      To assign the location, click

      The Location menu will expand where you can enter the address of the event.

10. To provide contact information for the event, click Contact information.
Contact information section will expand where you can enter the address of the event.
Contact Name will display as the event Organizer on Event pages.

11.  Under More options, you can create a custom URL for your event if you would like.
12.  Add an image for the event under Related media. This is required.
Select from an existing image or upload a new one. 
Refer to the Event Image Guidelines section for event image best practices.

13.  Venue Details gives you a place to get even more detailed about the location. 

Add info specific to the venue such as ballroom names, exhibit hall information, etc.


14.  Venue Name – enter the venue name here.

15.  Under Event type, click the checkbox for Chapter Event

16.  You can include a link to a map under MapLink. Simply copy and paste a Google Maps URL.

17.  Copy and paste your registration link into the RegistrationLink box.

18.  If the event has its own separate website, you can enter that URL in the OverrideUrl box.
       If you use this, when someone clicks on the event within a calendar or event card, they will be taken directly to that website, not the event details within your chapter website.

19.  In the Chapters field, start typing your chapter name, when you see it displayed under the field, click it, then click Add.
This is required. If you do not enter your chapter name here, the system will prompt you to add it.

Preview: In order to preview the event, it must first be saved as a draft.  Click the "Save as draft" button, and you will see the "Preview" button appear to the left.

If you are ready to publish the event, click Publish.

You can also save the event as a draft. 

Under the More Actions button, you’ll be able to Publish or Unpublish the event on a specific date, Unpublish now, or delete. If you click Back to Events, anything you have done here will be lost.

If you click Publish/Unpublish on a Specific Date, a menu will be shown for this option.

You’ll now be able to select a date and time for this event to be added to the calendar (Publication date), and a date to remove (Unpublish) if desired.

When finished, click Save.

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