Forms Overview

Forms Overview

Before you can add a form to a page using the Form widget, you must first create at least one form. 

There may already be some forms created, but you’ll also be able to easily create them as needed.  Forms are created and managed very much like Pages.

Once you create a form in the backend, you can then drag and drop Form widgets onto pages.


You can utilize a wide array of form field widgets, such as textbox, multiple choice, dropdown lists, and rearrange and manage them just like using widgets on a regular page.


Once visitors fill in forms on your website, you can manage an export their responses.


You can manage and create forms on the Forms page.


To open the Forms page, in the main menu in the upper part of the screen, click Content » Forms.


You’ll see a list with all created forms together with actions you can perform on them. 

See: Managing Forms


If no forms have been created yet, you’ll see a link to Create a form.
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