In order to maintain the integrity of our global and chapter sites, the seven main pre-defined pages, their titles, and their position in
the navigation must remain unchanged. There can be no edits, additions or subtractions to/from these items.
The pages included within that set are as follows:
1. Home
2. About Our Chapter
3. Education & Events
4. Get Involved
5. Photos/Videos or just Photos
6. Chapter News or Blog
7. Advertising, Sponsorship(s), Partnership(s)
There is not a link to the Home page in the main chapter navigation menu, meaning that the menu should only contain a maximum of 6 pages or groups of pages.
For websites in countries where the primary language is English, these menu items must not be changed or renamed.
When the native language of the chapter is not English, there will be more flexibility on the translations of those main menu items.
Chapter site administrators will have the flexibility to customize content by adding one level of secondary pages under the main top-level or "parent" pages. These are referred to in the content management system as "child pages." These second level pages will be
shown in the drop-down navigation menu.
Tertiary (third level) pages can also be created, but they must be linked to from another page as they will not be shown in the
When creating new pages, always use the pre-selected default template, which is “ChapterTemplate[YOUR CHAPTER NAME].”
On the home page, Chapter Administrators can add or edit sponsor/partner logos, edit the chapter quote, and change the chapter
group photo.
No additions or subtractions can be made to the chapter website home page without authorization from MPI Global.
On all pages, Chapter Administrators may edit only the main content area.
The Photos/Videos page will display photos from your chapter Facebook page. Direct links to galleries on
photographer websites can be added under the Facebook photo gallery. Videos may also be added under the Facebook photos, or on a separate Videos page.