After you click Create and go
to add fields, or the Create a form button, you’ll be
in the form designer.
In the upper right-hand area
above the widget sidebar, click Settings.

You can also
start creating the form and change these settings afterwards.
You can
change the following settings:
In this radio button group you can control the responses to the form. Choose
one of the following:
o One entry per IP
The form can be filled out and submitted only once from a
particular IP. If the user tries to submit the form more than once from the
same IP address, the system displays an error massage.
o One entry per username
The form can be filled out and submitted only once by a
particular user. If the same user tries to submit the form more than once, the
system displays an error massage.
Use this option only if there is user registration prior to submitting the
o No restrictions: Everyone can submit unlimited number
of entries
The form can be submitted unlimited number of times from the
same user and IP.
The text box under this option is pre-filled with a generic success message. You can leave this as-is or personalize it.
If this option is selected, you can enter in the URL for a page, and the user will be taken to that page after submitting the form.
- Confirmation email
If the "Send email to form respondent" box is checked, the form respondent will be notified by email upon submission.

To use this feature, an "Email" form widget must be present in the form.
- Customize email
If you click the "Customize email" button, you will be brought to a screen where you can change various aspects of the email notification.
By default, all form fields are sent in the email, so most of the time this will not need to be changed.
- Notification email
When the "Send email notifications to..." box is checked, a field will appear where you can enter in one or more email addresses that will receive a notification when there is a form submission.
The email will contain all form responses.
Enter one email address per line. - Customize email
If you click the "Customize email" button, you will be brought to a screen where you can change various aspects of the email notification.
By default, all form fields are sent in the email, so most of the time this will not need to be changed.
Form responses are always collected and stored within the website back-end where they can
be viewed or exported into Excel via the Forms page even if there is not an email notification being sent to the form owner. See: Managing Forms and Managing Form Responses
- Click on Content to switch back to the form

- You can now build the form by dragging form widgets in to the body
of the form.
For more details on form-specific widgets, see Form Widgets
- After you drag one form widget into the body, a Submit button
will automatically be added.
- Add and configure all the form widgets you need to build your
form. Learn More about Form Widgets
- You are also able to create columns using Grid widgets by
clicking Layout.

- When you are done, click Publish to save the form, or Save Draft to save and work on it later.
· You will be returned to the Forms page.